Sunday, January 10, 2010

About buzzing


First I want to give a short introduction to my blog. The purpose of creating this blog may be different. But I don't want to classify my blog to be a personal blog or corporate and organizational blog. I want to discuss here any subject, not going for any particular one. We have a lots of things going around, its may be a public issue, and may about a subject which I want to put my on view about the matter. Of course its purely my own opinion, not authentic one. People can differ, oppose and we can make a fruitful discussion.

Why this name? Buzzing the word means lively, energetic, active of course vibrant. I want to make my blog to mean the name. That why I didn't go for a particular subject. I can buzz about any subject that I find valuable, like others also. It doesn't going for a systematic or a technical way. And of course never have a lengthy essay type articles. It may contain a story, promise short story, sometimes my own and some times others. This is some thing about my buzzing, the rest can be see.